Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo

Aeródromo 28229 Villanueva Del PardilloMadrid
Lowest price
from 90€
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4 Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo has been booked 4 times through Yumping since joining in Diciembre of 2023
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Description of Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo

At the Villanueva del Pardillo flight school, active since 1980, we want to share our passion for flying with everyone. It doesn't matter if you are an expert pilot or someone without experience who wants to do an "initiation flight" over the Guadarrama mountain range. In Villanueva del Pardillo everyone has a place and we have prepared different activities adapting to each need.

Courses for pilots:

  • Basic course: this course is an approach to aviation. During six classes you will learn theoretically and practically how to handle the plane and keep it in the air. You will be the one who leads the way and you will take control from the first practical class.
  • ULM degree course: if you want more than just a simple contact, this is the perfect course for you. You will learn to fly an airplane during the 15 hours of flight that we propose to obtain the official ULM pilot title.

In addition, they also carry out "initiation flights" through different areas of the Madrid skies:

  • Fifteen hour itinerary: you will leave from our airfield in Villanueva del pardillo and we will head to the Guadarrama Regional Park passing through the Valmayor Reservoir.
  • Half-hour itinerary: this tour is somewhat longer and you will visit areas of great cultural interest such as the Escorial monastery. You will also pass through the Valley of the Fallen, the Valmayor Reservoir and you will be surprised by the Guadarrama Park.
  • One hour itinerary: this is the most complete flight. We will cross Valdemorillo and reach the Valmayor Reservoir. Afterwards we will cross the Machota de Zarzalejo until we reach the El Escorial Monastery and shortly after the Cross of the Fallen. We will also fly over the Seven Peaks of Navacerrada and the area of La Pedriza and Torrelodones back to the aerodrome.

In all "initiation flights" the client sits on the pilot's side to be able to operate the controls. These planes have dual control. The veteran instructor has been at this flight school for more than 35 years and his experience is more than 10,000 hours of instruction. You are in good hands.

The airplanes we use are state-of-the-art models, always in impeccable condition and have the mandatory insurance required by law.

The "initiation flights" that we offer are a great way to surprise a friend or your partner with a different and unrepeatable activity. Don't think twice and contact us to reserve your "initiation flight" or your place forthe pilot course.

If after completing an "initiation flight" you want to continue with our pilot courses, we will deduct the cost of the "initiation flight".initiation."

Reviews of Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo

Very Good Based on 1 reviews
Very expensive
Very Exciting
Very good

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

Debora 10 Very good

Review translated from Spanish

Our experience has been very good, All as a surprise for one person and the staff collaborate; Great at all times.

We were delighted, and the person who made the experience also.
Review sent on 26/07/16
Review useful for 1 people Did you find this helpful? Yes

Price catalog from Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo


Plane tour through the mountains of Madrid 30 min
Plane tour through the mountains of Madrid 30 min
5 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 57 Days


Plane flight to the mountains of Madrid 15 minutes
Plane flight to the mountains of Madrid 15 minutes
4 Bookings Verified


Fly in a small plane through the mountains of Madrid for 1 hour

Team members

  • Javier García Roldán
    chief flight instructor
    Specialized in: Fly an Aeroplane Ultralight Flights

    Javier García Roldán is the chief flight instructor of the Villanueva del Pardillo flight school since 1980.

    44 years of full dedication and thousands of flight hours guarantee the quality of his work.

Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
December 02nd 2024 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
24 Hours response rate
Javier García Roldán Company legal name
02527288W Commercial register number


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Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Fly an Aeroplane

Aeródromo 28229 Villanueva Del PardilloMadrid
Lowest price
from 90€
Verified Bookings
4 Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Vuelo en Avioneta has been booked 4 times through Yumping since joining in Diciembre of 2023
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Description of Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Fly an Aeroplane

Come fly with the Villanueva del Pardillo Pilot School, in addition to trainers we accompany you in your aerial experiences for which no preparation is necessary. Choose the day and let's take off!

On the excursions we take through the skies of the Community of Madrid we follow several routes so that you can say the one that is most appealing to you or you don't have to repeat the same one the next time you come to see us. They are:

- About the Guadarrama River Regional Park: it is the shortest of our itineraries since it will only take us a quarter of an hour to complete. From the El Pardillo track we will see this natural space that will also give us a good perspective of the Valmayor reservoir.

- By the Monastery of El Escorial: with a half-hour flight we will have enough time to see this historical construction and continue towards the Valley of the Fallen, also passing through the swamp as in the previous option.

- About the Siete Picos and La Pedriza: in the most extensive proposal of those we address, we will reserve 1 hour to reach the Madrid mountains, completing the previous routes that take us to the Escorial, this time, from the Machota from Zarzalejo.

Fly an Aeroplane Fly an Aeroplane Madrid Fly an Aeroplane Villanueva Del Pardillo

Price catalog from Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Fly an Aeroplane


Plane tour through the mountains of Madrid 30 min
Plane tour through the mountains of Madrid 30 min
5 Bookings Verified
Latest booking 57 Days


Plane flight to the mountains of Madrid 15 minutes
Plane flight to the mountains of Madrid 15 minutes
4 Bookings Verified


Fly in a small plane through the mountains of Madrid for 1 hour

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15 years Advertised on Yumping
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Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Ultralight Flights

Aeródromo 28229 Villanueva Del PardilloMadrid

Description of Escuela de Pilotos Villanueva del Pardillo Ultralight Flights

At the Villanueva del Pardillo Pilot School the first thing we want to know about you is if you want to fly as a form of leisure or prepare to be the pilot yourself. That is why we differentiate two large areas within the services we offer at this Madrid aerodrome:

- Pilot school: where you can choose to enroll in a basic course or prepare to obtain your degree that authorizes you to fly an ultralight.
In the first of the proposals, the practice begins from the first session while in the second case we will address a complete course with 10 hours of flight aimed at obtaining the recognized official accreditation.

- Air tourism: we show the surroundings of the capital and the most important natural and architectural points of the Community with trips on our aircraft. They have different durations depending on the time you have and how far you want to go.

In the 15-minute version we will stay above the Guadarrama park, staying for a moment to also pass through Valmayor. In the half-hour flight we reach the Valley of the Fallen after passing through Escorial and in the 1 full hour flight variant we reach Navacerrada.

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Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
December 02nd 2024 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
24 Hours response rate
