From Bicibarra Castellón we suggest that you get on our particular means of transport and enjoy a new experience full of fun, beer and lots of laughter.
Thebicibarra, also known as birriciclo, consists of a large bicycle, with capacity for up to 18 people, in which you will find two bars and between them and a tap of beerthat seems to have no end. The activity will consist of 10 of you pedaling, being able to change seats whenever you want, in order to help our driver propel the bike.
During the journey we will enjoy the best atmosphere created by the music, which you can choose for yourself, the company and the beer. We will go to visit the most beautiful areas of our city, so this transportation becomes the ideal means to enjoy tourism in the most fun way.
With us you can celebrate any occasion you can think of or simply enjoy a different holiday with your group of friends. We make outings both day and night so you just have to choose which time you prefer and join the party.
You can bring anything you want: decorations, costumes, food... Everything is allowed at Bicibarra Castellón.
Don't let any more time go by without trying it and join the new form of fun that is sweeping the world.
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