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75 Results

  • 5

    Paintball 200 balls + yellow humor, Casarrubios

    Paintball 200 balls + yellow humor, Casarrubios

    Toledo, Castilla la Mancha
    (1 review) Excellent 
    2 Bookings Verified
    Included Lunch
    from 55€ price/person
  • 6

    Paintball game in Alcalá del Júcar 200 balls

    Paintball game in Alcalá del Júcar 200 balls

    Albacete, Castilla la Mancha
    from 25€ 20€ price/person
  • 4

    Paintball game with 200 balls, in Uña

    Paintball game with 200 balls, in Uña

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    from 25€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball with 100 balls in Alcalá del Júcar

    Paintball with 100 balls in Alcalá del Júcar

    Albacete, Castilla la Mancha
    3 Bookings Verified
    from 20€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball with 100 balls in thematic settings

    Paintball with 100 balls in thematic settings

    Albacete, Castilla la Mancha
    3 Bookings Verified
    from 22€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball with 200 balls in Molina de Aragón

    Paintball with 200 balls in Molina de Aragón

    Guadalajara, Castilla la Mancha
    from 30€ price/person
  • 6

    Paintball with 200 balls in the Lagunas de Ruidera area

    Paintball with 200 balls in the Lagunas de Ruidera area

    Ciudad Real, Castilla la Mancha
    (1 review) Excellent 
    4 Bookings Verified
    from 25€ 20€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball game 300 balls, Buendía Cuenca

    Paintball game 300 balls, Buendía Cuenca

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    from 30€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball game 100 balls in Buendía, Cuenca

    Paintball game 100 balls in Buendía, Cuenca

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    from 20€ price/person
  • 6

    Paintball with 200 balls in Valdecolmenas de Abajo

    Paintball with 200 balls in Valdecolmenas de Abajo

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    3 Bookings Verified
    from 22€ 20€ price/person
  • 6

    Paintball with 100 balls in Valdecolmenas de Abajo

    Paintball with 100 balls in Valdecolmenas de Abajo

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    1 Booking Verified
    from 18€ 16€ price/person
  • 7

    Paintball, gymkhana, dinner with a show, Casarrubios

    Paintball, gymkhana, dinner with a show, Casarrubios

    Toledo, Castilla la Mancha
    3 Bookings Verified
    Included Lunch
    from 100€ price/person
  • 4

    Paintball + food + yellow humor, Casarrubios

    Paintball + food + yellow humor, Casarrubios

    Toledo, Castilla la Mancha
    (2 reviews) Medium 
    5 Bookings Verified
    Included Lunch
    from 80€ price/person
  • 3

    Special offer: Paintball 200 balls in Alcabón

    Special offer: Paintball 200 balls in Alcabón

    Toledo, Castilla la Mancha
    2 Bookings Verified
    from 20€ price/person
  • 8

    Paintball game with 200 balls in Ciudad Real

    Paintball game with 200 balls in Ciudad Real

    Ciudad Real, Castilla la Mancha
    1 Booking Verified
    from 20€ price/person
  • 4

    Paintball 400 balls in the Júcar Valley

    Paintball 400 balls in the Júcar Valley

    Albacete, Castilla la Mancha
    from 40€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball Battles in 2 scenarios, 200 balls

    Paintball Battles in 2 scenarios, 200 balls

    Toledo, Castilla la Mancha
    1 Booking Verified
    from 20€ 17€ price/person
  • 4

    Paintball with 200 balls in Carrión de Calatrava

    Paintball with 200 balls in Carrión de Calatrava

    Ciudad Real, Castilla la Mancha
    from 28€ 20€ price/person
  • 3

    Paintball with 100 balls in Carrión de Calatrava

    Paintball with 100 balls in Carrión de Calatrava

    Ciudad Real, Castilla la Mancha
    2 Bookings Verified
    from 25€ price/person
  • 5

    Paintball 100 balls with food in La Alcarria

    Paintball 100 balls with food in La Alcarria

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    1 Booking Verified
    Included Lunch
    from 28€ 25€ price/person
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Most popular paintball fields in Castilla la Mancha

Preguntas frecuentes to play paintball in Castilla la Mancha

  • It can be bought or gifted from 0€. There are 72 companies and you have 75 offers to choose the one you like best.
  • The main locations are:
  • The related activities that you can give away are:

What are the most popular options when reserving Paintball in Castilla la Mancha?

  • 136€-1074€ Standard price range
  • 272€ Average amount
  • 6 No. of people

Real data obtained from Yumping bookings.

Do you prefer to buy or gif this activity?

  • Gift experiences without fixed date 33.33%
  • Activities with fixed date 66.67%

When do the Paintball experiences that take place in Castilla la Mancha take place?

Bookings per month

  • January 0.00%
  • February 16.67%
  • March 33.33%
  • April 0.00%
  • May 0.00%
  • June 0.00%
  • July 16.67%
  • August 16.67%
  • September 16.67%
  • October 0.00%
  • November 0.00%
  • December 0.00%