Mega Mundo Estrella Galicia

Rúa José María Rivera Corral, 6 15008 A Coruña (City)A Coruña
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from 30€
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Description of Mega Mundo Estrella Galicia

Live a unique experience with Mega Mundo Estrella Galicia.

Discover the first Estrella Galicia beer factory, enjoy a tour of the museum, a timeline of the evolution of beer bottles, a beer master class ; and much more, do you want to miss it? Learn about the brewing process and the history of the beer as well as the brand from its beginnings. Enjoy a tour through the factory that is more than 100 years old, where the billions of liters of beer are made that are then in bars, supermarkets and homes.

At the beginning of the activity, we will give you a welcome package in which you will find a Black Coupage 1906 bottle and a special wooden opener. Once the tour is done, you will immerse yourself in a beer master class in which you will pour and drink your own beer, make sure you do it right!

And at the end of the experience, you will have the opportunity to taste five different beers so you can tell us which one you like the most.

It is important that you are 10 minutes before starting the activity to be able to organize it and start it on time.

We are waiting for you!

Guided Tours Guided Tours Galicia Guided Tours A Coruña Guided Tours A Coruña (City)

Price catalog from Mega Mundo Estrella Galicia
