Quinta da Regaleira

Quinta da Regaleira, 9 2710-567 SintraLisbon
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Description of Quinta da Regaleira

If you are a lover of nature and monuments, sculptures and buildings, we invite you to enjoy the visit to theQuinta da Regaleira Palace. This complex is made up of gardens, fountains, wells, passages, lakes and grottoes; and we assure you that everything you see will leave you speechless.

The Quinta da Regaleira was built in 1900 by the architect Luigi Manini, in a space of no more and no less than four hectares where you can enjoy different constructions such as the sculptures of the Promenade of the Gods,of the palace, of the dozens of fountains or of the Well of Initiation.

You will have the opportunity to discover everything that this place hides. In addition, you will be able to access the palace which will leave you speechless once you enter the Chapel of the Holy Trinity. A room that will surprise you with its decoration as well as each and every one of the details of this beautiful stay.

Meanwhile, in the garden you can get lost in its passages and its grottoes, appreciate its incredible lakes and the famous Well of Initiation. Would you like know what this construction hides? Well come enjoy this experience. We assure you that you will never see a place like it again for a long time.

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