Battlefield Live Inkomunika2

Calle Armentiabidea, 29 01007 ArmentiaÁlava
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Description of Battlefield Live Inkomunika2

If you are looking to live an incredible experience with your friends from Battlefield Live Inkomunika2 we propose a very real laser tag game where you will easily enter a battle with technology more cutting edge.

Anyone can play these games, in fact it is very fun to do it as a child's birthday celebration or a company event. It is not painful, since it does not shoot balls like in other games; Only long-range infrared rays are used.

These combats simulate the video games that children and adults like the most, in addition, the missions that we propose will put you to the test: you will have to demonstrate your strategic skills.

We will provide you with high-precision and long-range weapons, but you will not have to wear any special equipment that may be uncomfortable, not even a protective mask. It is a totally safe game.

If you don't have a team, we can include you in a group, but don't worry, because with us you will always have the opportunity to play a game of laster tag.

Laser Tag Laser Tag País Vasco Laser Tag Álava Laser Tag Armentia

Price catalog from Battlefield Live Inkomunika2

Useful information

5 years Advertised on Yumping
April 11th 2023 last update
inkomunikados s.l. Company legal name
B20857405 Commercial register number
