Under the creation of two biologists, Tenada del Monte was born to bring everyone in the world closer to the Segovian corners with the most natural wealth in the province.
We offer families and the general public to take one of our tours through Armuña, along the Pirón River, or through the streets of the city of Segovia, among others. We also carry out outings based on the tastes of our hikers guided by our professionalism and experience. There are already more than 3000 participants who have enjoyed one of our dream rides.
In addition, schools and institutes have chosen us to carry out extracurricular activities because Tenada del Monte, an expert in organizing interpretive walks, creates a unique program in which all young people can learn with our walks. In the same way we serve all types of groups by listening to the idea with which they come to us. You can trust us with everything from your guided tours to agrotourism activities aimed at learning about the customs of life in the countryside or ornithological tours in one of the richest areas in this sense of Castilla y León.
Discovering all aspects of our surroundings, from animals, to flora, history or art, we combine an itinerary full of sport and culture.
Turegano » Segovia
Sanchonuño » Segovia
Los Angeles De San Rafael » Segovia
With Tenada del Monte you will be doing your hiking tours under the direction of a team of professionals who are experts in the places through which we move. In this way it is possible to know the landscape in detail since the excursion will be accompanied by appropriate explanations about what we will be seeing.
We are dedicated to hiking, among other activities, as an active tourism company that has received the corresponding accreditation from the Junta de Castilla y León. Our experience lies not only in outings along interpretive itineraries, but also in designing them contemplating those points that we know in advance will be of greatest interest to visitors.
In the areas that are part of these routes, their flora, the animals that live there, the geology that has evolved over time, even their art and ethnographic history are of special importance.
Proof of the success of these proposals are the thousands of students and participants in general who have already been with us enjoying the quality and treatment we offer. We will create the ones you want based on suggestions based on your profile.
Tenada del Monte is made up of a group of nature experts who intend to show you the history and customs of the center of the peninsula with the added value of explanations based on our own knowledge.
In addition to routes and views of various points in the province and surrounding areas, we provide you with experiences through these ideas:
- Visit the shearing ranch that exists in Cabanillas: in around 45 minutes, with the assistance of the guide, we will see a building with a declaration of Asset of Cultural Interest. It is the last one in the area that has been preserved. It will show us how wool was traded and what transhumance consisted of.
- Agritourism: activity that takes place in the mornings focused on family leisure aimed at discovering livestock breeding in the Sierra de Guadarrama and the tasks that it requires for its care.
First we will walk for a distance of 3 kilometers to feed the chickens, collect the eggs they produce and see the cattle farm. When we finish the donkeys Platera and Lucera will be waiting for the little ones in the group to ride them.
In addition, El Mirador de la Cigüeña, a rural house, offers us accommodation that, if it takes place in February or March, gives us free participation in the planting of species that are being tried to recover.
Guided Tours
Segovia (City) » Segovia
Guided Tours
Segovia (City) » Segovia
Guided Tours
Cuellar » Segovia
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