Eguzki Jaia Academia Náutica offers you the possibility of obtaining the navigation titles that exist, with the aim that you can handle the sailing boats alone and spend a unique day full of experiences.
The titles that we put at your disposal are:
Titulín Course: It is the most basic course of all. Its possession allows the control of pleasure boats up to 6 meters in length and a maximum engine power of 55CV. The schedule will be daytime and the areas are delimited by the Maritime Captaincy.
Basic Navigation Pattern: This title allows you to govern recreational sailing boats up to 8 meters in length. In the event that the boat was motorized, its length could only reach 6 meters. The engine power must always be adequate for the conditions of the boat. You may not move more than 4 miles, in any direction, from an accessible shelter or beach.
Sports Boat Skippers: This course has the objective of bringing its courses closer to the entire Donosti environment, we will teach courses for all qualifications at the facilities of the San Sebastián yacht club.
Yacht Skipper Courses: The person who has this qualification will be able to govern motor or sailing pleasure boats up to 20 meters in length and with a power appropriate to their characteristics.
ContactEguzki Jaia Academia Náutica and come discover the passion for sailing.