We understand by Segway a 2-wheeled electric gyroscopic light transport vehicle, with computer-controlled self-balancing. The computer and motors located in the base keep the base of the segway horizontal at all times.
The user must lean depending on the direction he wants to take (back, forward, left or right). The motor it uses is electric and very quiet, reaching 20 km/h.
At Segway Granada Ventur we offer the possibility of enjoying this environment to people who, due to their physical conditions or lack of time, could not enjoy it, a different way of tourism. p>
Leisure and enjoyment of the landscape and culture from this natural environment offers us a very particular vision of an Albaycinero, showing our city beyond the obligatory tourist visits of the capital and the province that we should not miss.
We are located in the Sierra de Huetor natural park in the town of Alfacar, 7 km from Granada capital, but although our headquarters is located here, our company offers visitors transportation service from their accommodation to the area where we are going. to carry out the activity.
But our activity is not limited only to Segway routes, we also offer the client the possibility of developing activity packages for one or several days, alternating Segway routes with hiking routes, canoes, mountain biking, paintball... moving to any point in Andalusia that requests our services.
Get in touch with Segway Granada Ventur and come experience all the excitement of this new means of personal transportation that is revolutionizing the market.
Segway Granada Ventur
c/ Victoria Eugenia nº 40 Alfacar
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