Mortimer English Club is committed to a different and very effective method, 25 years of teaching and learning a second language guarantee us. The Mortimer method consists of the linguistic immersion of the student in the language they are studying. It is also combined with games and activities that make it easier to absorb knowledge.
At Mortimer English Club we know that the best time to learn a foreign language quickly and effectively is childhood. That is why we have launched an urban camp for children between 3 and 12 years old, where they will spend the summer immersing themselves in English.
The children will be divided by age and we will adapt the content to each group in order to offer them maximum learning. As we have said, they will not be conventional classes, but rather we will have fun playing and learning at the same time. In addition, we encourage cooperation between children, which will make them strengthen ties and learn together.
We will have various activities, all of them in English, with which the children will have a great time. For example, this year we will have swimming pool, soccer, story-telling, children's songs in English, games, theater or activities outdoors among many other things.
The camp will have a schedule from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and you have the possibility of attending for a week, two or a full month.
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