Quinta Sacra

San Miguel de Vilela, 8 27596 Taboada (Casco Urbano)Lugo
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from 12€
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Description of Quinta Sacra

Be sure to sign up for one of the à la carte experiences offered by the exclusive tourism company Quinta Sacra! Located in the Ribeira Sacra, we will tour the Miño in an inflatable boat, you can bathe in virgin river waterfalls and hire a picnic.

The activity takes place in the south of Lugo, traveling along the tourist routes of the Ribeira Sacra. You will be able to enjoy fantastic panoramic views of churches, temples and monasteries of Romanesque art.

A trip to take with family, friends or co-workers. Touring the Miño by boat is one of the pleasures that everyone should be able to enjoy. Don't miss this magnificent opportunity!

Request more information about boat trips along the Ribeira Sacra without any commitment.

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Useful information

11 years Advertised on Yumping
April 03rt 2017 last update
Quinta Sacra Company legal name
B27375534 Commercial register number


Price catalog from Quinta Sacra


Boat ride and hiking through Miño, 4 hours
Boat ride and hiking through Miño, 4 hours
Number of Activities