10 Results

  • 6

    Descent of the Eo River in a canoe for adults 2:30h

    Descent of the Eo River in a canoe for adults 2:30h

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    2 Bookings Verified
    from 35€ price/person
  • 6

    Descend the Eo River with canoe, children's rate, 2 hours

    Descend the Eo River with canoe, children's rate, 2 hours

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    1 Booking Verified
    Children activities
    from 25€ price/person
  • 6

    Descend the Alto Eo by canoe San Tirso de Abres

    Descend the Alto Eo by canoe San Tirso de Abres

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    from 35€ price/person
  • 7

    Canoe trip in Ribadeo estuary for adults 2 hours

    Canoe trip in Ribadeo estuary for adults 2 hours

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    1 Booking Verified
    from 35€ price/person
  • 7

    Canoe ride along the Eo estuary price for children 2h

    Canoe ride along the Eo estuary price for children 2h

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    1 Booking Verified
    Children activities
    from 25€ price/person
  • 8

    Canoe excursion through Alto Navia for one day

    Canoe excursion through Alto Navia for one day

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    from 90€ price/person
  • 4

    Canoe descent along the Eo Abres River 2 and a half hours

    Canoe descent along the Eo Abres River 2 and a half hours

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    2 Bookings Verified
    from 25€ 23€ price/person
  • 4

    Canoe excursion on the Eo River 1 hour and a half

    Canoe excursion on the Eo River 1 hour and a half

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    from 20€ price/person
  • 5

    Canoe descent on the Eo River in Abres, children's rate

    Canoe descent on the Eo River in Abres, children's rate

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    Children activities
    from 20€ price/person
  • 4

    Canoe route under Eo 5 kilometers for children Abres

    Canoe route under Eo 5 kilometers for children Abres

    Ribadeo (Casco Urbano), Lugo
    Children activities
    from 15€ price/person

All the Canoeing companies in Lugo

Frequently asked questions about Canoeing in Lugo

What are the most popular options when reserving Canoeing in Lugo?

  • 30€-180€ Standard price range
  • 105€ Average amount
  • 2 No. of people

Real data obtained from Yumping bookings.

Do you prefer to buy or gif this activity?

  • Gift experiences without fixed date 36.36%
  • Activities with fixed date 63.64%

When do the Canoeing experiences that take place in Lugo take place?

Bookings per month

  • January 0.00%
  • February 33.33%
  • March 0.00%
  • April 0.00%
  • May 0.00%
  • June 0.00%
  • July 0.00%
  • August 66.67%
  • September 0.00%
  • October 0.00%
  • November 0.00%
  • December 0.00%