Ajedrez Blanco y Negro

Calle Juan XXIII, 17 28040 Madrid (City)Madrid
Lowest price
from 130€
Verified Bookings
1 Ajedrez Blanco y Negro has been booked 1 times through Yumping since joining in Diciembre of 2023
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Description of Ajedrez Blanco y Negro

Black and White Chess offers the possibility for all the little ones to enjoy a magical summer vacation with other children their age in Madrid.

From the last week of June (June 22) until the end of July, all the boys and girls will have fun doing all the activities we have prepared:

  • Robotics workshops for basic and advanced levels, with different kits with different levels of difficulty.
  • Chess: a game that stimulates our mind from a young age.
  • Sports and swimming pool: to move and cool off in equal parts.

The robotics workshop is optional to the chess activity.

We adapt to your time needs. That is why the little ones will be able to stay in our facilities at Ciudad Universitaria (Paseo Juan XXIII), from 7:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. u>, with the possibility for participants to have breakfast, lunch and snacks with us in the same venue.

Great flexibility of entry and exit times, you can go only to the workshops, to the morning activities, or to the full day.

We always work with small groups, with few students per monitor. We have a great team of qualified monitors. They will be in charge of ensuring the safety of your child.

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Useful information

10 years Advertised on Yumping
G80847536 Licence Number
July 11th 2024 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
24 Hours response rate
jose maria fayos mestre Company legal name
00833222r Commercial register number


Price catalog from Ajedrez Blanco y Negro


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