Club Escola Arquers de Barcelona trains children and adults so that they all become great archers in Barcelona.
With the aim of promoting, practicing and developing archery in our province, our school offers a theoretical-practical program in which it is divided into different courses that are aimed at those who want to start in this sport, as well as those who want to advance their knowledge.
Our courses are generally divided into three groups; the first aimed at children under 14 years of age, the second is the so-called initiation course and the third is the improvement course.
In our club and school you will learn the modalities of archery, from traditional to long bow, Olympic or naked shooting, among others. In addition, all archers who wish to will be able to participate with us in championships, leagues, recreational shooting, etc.
All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity
It is the only company, along with the "Tornasol Adventure Archery (Barcelona)", which has responded to our request. Club Escola Arquers de Barcelona was clearly the most interested and the one who offered the most to clarify doubts and from the beginning invited us to visit without any obligation to explain any doubt we had. At the moment we have not done with any company what we asked for personal issues, but Club Escola Arquers de Barcelona was the one that responded the most from the outset.Review translated from Spanish
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