To learn English in the fastest and most reliable way, it is best to do so in an environment of total immersion. And if you also add the best teachers and a pleasant environment, learning can even be much better. That is what we want to achieve at EZ World Academy in our English camp, making it possible for boys and girls from 9 to 16 years old to mix with the language to the maximum.
Without leaving Alcalá de Henares, we will carry out activities, talks and games in which the use of English is essential both in written and spoken form. At 8:00 in the morning we will arrive ready to learn everything possible, and until 18:00 we will be fully involved in it. There will be a lunch break, as well as a mid-morning lunch, and even nap time to perform well in the afternoon after getting up early. Among all this, one hundred percent English.
The teaching is of course practically personalized. There will be one native teacher for every five students to be able to serve them as closely as possible. Our goal is for students to learn as if it were a large private class while creating bonds with their classmates. Friendship is important whatever the environment.
Urban camps
Urban camps Madrid
Urban camps Alcalá De Henares