SkyCrew Parapent Barcelona

Aterratge Cal Foubes 08719 AviaBarcelona
Lowest price
from 145€
Verified Bookings
5 SkyCrew Parapent Barcelona has been booked 5 times through Yumping since joining in Diciembre of 2023
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Description of SkyCrew Parapent Barcelona

Paragliding is much more fun if you do it with professionals who love their work, and that's what happens to us at SkyCrew Parapent. Our entire team has one thing in common, and that is that we are passionate about flying. We will take care of giving you the best of experiences so that you feel like a bird.

We are the first nomadic school on the peninsula. What does this mean? We love discovering new flight areas, since if a pilot wants to be good at flying, he must know how to do it regardless of the place and conditions. If you like to live adventures, you are undoubtedly one of us.

If a simple paragliding flight falls short for you, we offer you this mini course so that you can learn much more about this world. We will teach you the basic lessons and you will do an educational two-seater flight with an instructor. All in one day!

You cannot miss our paragliding flights through different areas of the province of Barcelona, such as in the town of Berga or in the Serra de Rubió, located in the Conca de Òdena.

If what you are looking for is to fly and learn the basic lessons in one day, come with SkyCrew Parapent and learn in our mini paragliding courses!

Attention! This activity requires ideal weather conditions for its practice. We will confirm the location and your selected date depending on the weather. Paragliding flights can only be done from March to September, during the rest of the year, despite not being able to fly, you can acquire experiences to give as a gift or reserve for later.

Paragliding Paragliding Cataluña Paragliding Barcelona Paragliding Avia

Price catalog from SkyCrew Parapent Barcelona


Paragliding Flight + Pro Report, Serra de Rubiò
Paragliding Flight + Pro Report, Serra de Rubiò
7 Bookings Verified


Paragliding mini course in Serra de Rubió (1 day)
Paragliding mini course in Serra de Rubió (1 day)
1 Booking Verified

Team members

  • Miquel B
    Instructor, monitor and manager

    Miquel is in charge of the school. He manages the equipment, the good rotllet and controls materials. He is our two-seater paragliding and paratrike pilot and also the school instructor. What is his preferred modality? They all are!

    Paragliding pilot
    Paramotor pilot
    Paragliding sports technician (TD1)
    Two-seater paragliding pilot (PF2)
    Two-seater paratrike pilot (PL2)
    Precision Fai Judge II

  • Laura T
    Manager and coordinator

    Laura is the mother of this project: she made the first sketches on a napkin, she has created the branding, the website and manages social networks, photography, video and merchandising. She also coordinates the courses, the students and is the one who invents a thousand and one adventures for the Crew.

    Paragliding pilot
    Fai II precision judge

Useful information

2 years Advertised on Yumping
C-558 Licence Number
December 19th 2024 last update
Miquel Manel Bolet Hernández Company legal name
45638736C Commercial register number
Spanish · English · Catalan


How to get there?
In the town of Avià (Berga-Barcelona) or in the Serra de Rubió (Igualada-Barcelona).