Boulder Madrid

Calle del Hachero, 12 28053 Madrid (City)Madrid

Offers of Multiadventure near Madrid (City)

8-60 People Children activities
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28€ 10% from
1-100 People Number of Activities
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5-50 People Lunch
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Description of Boulder Madrid

At Boulder Madrid we want those whose favorite sport is climbing to be able to access it with all the comforts of having a nearby center with good access. That is why we open our facilities on Hachero Street to you, where you can get there by metro or in your own vehicle, parking comfortably without payment time control. If you come by bike you can leave it inside the parking lot that we have set up for them.

The first thing you will find here is a complex in which all the needs that arise both for the climbing itself and in relation to it have been thought of. The activities are coordinated by highly qualified instructors who are part of an environment where good vibes are breathed. You will pass by:

- Climbing areas: which total surfaces of 400 m2 that reach heights of 5 and a half meters at their maximum point. We have separated two rooms with thousands of holds and inclinations to pose challenges of different difficulties.

- Additional services: we start and finish the training in a 140 m2 room with equipment for physical work and stretching. You can change in the changing rooms after taking a shower and stay for talks in the area to relax while ordering a drink.

Take the opportunity to sign up for our courses, for children and adults, or try a day with climbing baptisms for the uninitiated. The little ones can also celebrate their birthdays here.

Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping


Boulder Madrid Climbing

Calle del Hachero, 12 28053 Madrid (City)Madrid

Offers of Climbing near Madrid (City)

10-100 People Number of Activities
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1-7 People Number of Activities
Latest booking: 28 - August
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50€ 50% from
2-10 People Transport Accommodation Number of Activities
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140€ 21% from

Description of Boulder Madrid Climbing

At Boulder Madrid we maintain direct contact with climbing on a daily basis through the facilities we have in the capital. 400 m2 of artificial walls are at the service of those who train and enroll in our courses. However, we know that the goal of many climbers is to move to outdoor practice, which is why we also deal with that area.

We periodically organize rock climbing outings and outdoor courses that put us in real circumstances, posing new challenges to our skills. Some of the areas we use for this are:

- Ávila: together with one of our climbing technicians we approach this point to test ourselves with what we have already learned.

- Fuentidueña: with a proposal that we sometimes extend to several days, arranging accommodation in a rural house for you. This gives us enough time to learn more details about the use of the material, the gestural technique that should be used and safety regarding ourselves and our colleagues. We always bring the material from the climbing wall and we protect you with accident insurance.

You can prepare to join us with guided training at the climbing wall throughout the year.

Climbing Madrid

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Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping


Boulder Madrid Climbing Walls

Calle del Hachero, 12 28053 Madrid (City)Madrid

Offers of Climbing Walls near Madrid (City)

10-100 People Number of Activities
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2-10 People Transport Accommodation Number of Activities
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140€ 21% from
3-14 People Number of Activities
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59€ 54% from

Description of Boulder Madrid Climbing Walls

At Boulder Madrid we offer you one of the most central proposals in the capital so that you can practice climbing regularly. Between several metro stations and close to Méndez Álvaro you will find a complex with 400 m2 so that you can literally climb the walls.

We meet the needs of adults and work to create a healthy habit of exercise in children with:

- Climbing classes: in which the requirements of participants of any level are taken into account. We propose two lessons a week of 90 minutes each that will be done together with the instructor. We will dedicate the first quarter of an hour to a proper warm-up, we will go to the ceiling to get going and we will finish by stretching our muscles.

- Baptism: before deciding to give lessons for a long period of time, you can come and try. In 2 hours we will do a complete initiation session with theory, warm-up and crossing.

- Children's climbing school: focused on students from 6 years old to 12. They take place during the week, on alternate days for one hour, and the teacher takes care of a maximum of a dozen children. at the same time.

Of course you can use our facilities to train on your own whenever you want.

Climbing Walls Madrid Climbing Walls Madrid (City)

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Useful information

7 years Advertised on Yumping


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