In Play Archery Tag we show you what the archer battles are like in different fields in the Community of Madrid and Toledo since you choose the exact point where you want to play.
It is a very safe modality for all ages in which pointless arrows are used with which you have to hit both the enemy and targets located in the center of the field being used. It is based on a system that awards points for various objectives, including touching an opponent with the shot or catching an arrow in flight.
To play archery tag in Madrid you have to be at least 8 players paying a price per person. In the event that you exceed the group of 20 participants, we will create a 2-hour league for a total fee that you will share among all. These rates give the right to:
Madrid (City) » Madrid
Lozoya Del Valle » Madrid
San Martin De Valdeiglesias » Madrid
Play Archery Tag
Calle Valdebernardo, 26 Madrid (City)
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