17 Results

  • 4

    Themed hiking for schools or IES

    Themed hiking for schools or IES

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 11€ price/person
  • 4

    Hiking in Sierra de Hornachuelos children's rate

    Hiking in Sierra de Hornachuelos children's rate

    Centro Militar Cerro Muriano, Córdoba
    Children activities
    from 8€ price/person
  • 4

    Route through the monastery of Los Ángeles Hornachuelos

    Route through the monastery of Los Ángeles Hornachuelos

    Centro Militar Cerro Muriano, Córdoba
    from 12€ price/person
  • 3

    Hiking weekend in Sierra de Segura

    Hiking weekend in Sierra de Segura

    Adamuz, Córdoba
    Included Accommodation
    from 110€ price/person
  • 6

    Botanical workshop for medicinal use Villa del Río 4h

    Botanical workshop for medicinal use Villa del Río 4h

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 10€ price/person
  • 5

    Bilingual astronomical workshop in Sierra Morena 2h

    Bilingual astronomical workshop in Sierra Morena 2h

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 20€ price/person
  • 5

    Hiking route through war ruins of Córdoba

    Hiking route through war ruins of Córdoba

    Adamuz, Córdoba
    from 14€ price/person
  • 5

    Montoro lynx sighting interpreted route 4h

    Montoro lynx sighting interpreted route 4h

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 30€ price/person
  • 4

    Hiking Cardeña Montoro Natural Park 4h

    Hiking Cardeña Montoro Natural Park 4h

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 15€ 12€ price/person
  • 5

    Extreme hiking along the Guadalquivir 4-5h

    Extreme hiking along the Guadalquivir 4-5h

    Villa Del Rio, Córdoba
    from 25€ 20€ price/person
  • 7

    School Environmental Interpretation Hiking
  • 4

    Route from the Espiel hostel to Sierra del Castillo
  • 4

    Hiking route in the Sierra, Córdoba

    Hiking route in the Sierra, Córdoba

    from 10€ price/person
  • 3

    Hiking through Sierra Madrona with a guide

    Hiking through Sierra Madrona with a guide

    Adamuz, Córdoba
    Transport included
    from 16€ price/person
  • 4

    Hiking Velillos River Canyon in Granada

    Hiking Velillos River Canyon in Granada

    Transport included
    from 20€ price/person
  • 8

    Hiking route through Sierra de Córdoba Wednesday

    Hiking route through Sierra de Córdoba Wednesday

    Adamuz, Córdoba
    from 5€ price/person
  • 4

    Route to see lynxes in the Sierra de Córdoba

    Route to see lynxes in the Sierra de Córdoba

    Adamuz, Córdoba
    Latest booking 53 days ago
    from 14€ price/person

All the Hiking companies in Córdoba

Frequently asked questions about Hiking in Córdoba

What are the most popular options when reserving Hiking in Córdoba?

  • 14€-90€ Standard price range
  • 46€ Average amount
  • 2 No. of people

Real data obtained from Yumping bookings.

Do you prefer to buy or gif this activity?

  • Gift experiences without fixed date 0.00%
  • Activities with fixed date 100.00%

When do the Hiking experiences that take place in Córdoba take place?

Bookings per month

  • January 0.00%
  • February 0.00%
  • March 50.00%
  • April 0.00%
  • May 0.00%
  • June 0.00%
  • July 0.00%
  • August 0.00%
  • September 0.00%
  • October 25.00%
  • November 25.00%
  • December 0.00%