Sierra Morena Active

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 10€
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2 Sierra Morena Active has been booked 2 times through Yumping since joining in Septiembre of 2023
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Description of Sierra Morena Active

Sierra Morena Active comes to bring you a wide variety of adventure activities so that you can enjoy this wild landscape as it deserves.The Cordoban mountains and the Andalusian landscapes in general deserve to be enjoyed. If you are a nature lover, you are one of us.

Our team is made up entirely of great mountain enthusiasts, and especially adventure.

We want to offer you the best adventure sports experiences, we are backed by extensive experience in the sector that makes us well suited to teach you everything you need so you can move through the Andalusian mountains.

It doesn't matter your physical condition or the experience you have in these activities. What matters is the desire to enjoy and the courage to face nature in its wildest facet.

Here the day-to-day worries do not matter, only you face the terrain that lies before you and the challenge that you have to overcome.

Enjoy a disconnection experience with the best professionals to assist you and provide you with a safe and complete experience.

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings
Turismo Activo Company legal name
78684310e Commercial register number


How to get there?

The headquarters of Sierra Morena Active S.L. It is located in Villa del Río, Córdoba. We carry out most of the activities in the area where our warehouse is located, which is in the area of Fuensanta de Montoro.

Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active

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Sierra Morena Active Canoe Kayak

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 12€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Canoe Kayak

The south of Spain offers you some impressive rivers for canoeing. This sport, which at first seems simple, but can get much more difficult depending on the terrain, is attracting more and more people who can't wait to get into canoes.

The Guadalquivir River is a challenge and a delight at the same time. Those of us who love this sport cannot ignore this river to try our luck. The Guadalquivir and its tributaries offer us a wild and exciting canoeing experience. The sections of rapids that surprise us in some of their areas sometimes leave us breathless and represent a challenge that considerably increases the level of difficulty of the activity.

We want you to enjoy with us an incredible experience in the canoes. You cannot miss an activity like this, whether you are a veteran of the sport or have never practiced it.

Come dare with the Guadalquivir and experience first-hand the beauty of the Andalusian landscapes while you enjoy our climate and our gastronomy. We will do everything in our power to offer you the adventure experience you are looking for.

Canoe Kayak Andalucía Canoe Kayak Córdoba Canoe Kayak Villa Del Rio

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings


Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Canoe Kayak

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Sierra Morena Active Climbing

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 12€
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1 Sierra Morena Active Escalada has been booked 1 times through Yumping since joining in Septiembre of 2023
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Climbing

Climbing is a classic of adventure sports. The mountain pulls and those of us who live in the north of Andalusia cannot resist the incredible stretches that the mountains offer us to climb.

At Sierra Morena Active we want to unite climbing enthusiasts to enjoy this adventure activity in company and in the best locations for it.

The Andalusian mountain range offers us a thousand possibilities when it comes to climbing. There are many people who are passionate about this sport and we strive to bring this activity closer to all interested audiences. We are in charge of equipping both climbing sections and ravines to be able to practice the activity in them, always with the maximum level of safety.

We want you to discover the incredible feeling of reaching the top of one of our mountains. Climbing, like life, consists of overcoming obstacles and sometimes it becomes a hard activity, but with perseverance you always manage to reach the top, and the satisfaction of having achieved it is inexplicable.

Climbing Andalucía Climbing Córdoba Climbing Villa Del Rio

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
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Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Climbing

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Sierra Morena Active Caving

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 15€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Caving

Many have the preconceived idea that caving is a monotonous activity, which consists of walking comfortably through a cave and seeing what is inside, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Caving can become a sports activity in many cases. Each cave is a world, and the effect of water filtration never causes the same result. So, it is true that there are caves that offer easier routes than others, but it is by no means a monotonous activity.

There are caves that are accessed by rappelling, with a rope and harness, in the case of underground caves. Each cave offers an impressive spectacle but never the same as the last.

In a cave you can find formations from millimeters to gigantic. Stalactites lighter or darker, stalagmites in formation, entire columns... you can even find beautiful boulders that are more polished than the ones you buy, so much so that it seems like a lie when you see them.

Nature is unpredictable and has so much to show us, so many things that we can't even imagine... and of course caving is one of the best activities that can be practiced to discover it.

In addition, there are extremely sporty caves in which you may even have to crawl using only your hips and buttocks. It can become a totally aerobic activity. You will find pools, formations of all kinds, majestic galleries of a thousand types, bats, beautiful boulders... everything.

It is an experience worth living, yes, you will probably end up stained up to your eyebrows by clay and humidity, but in the moment you will not care at all.

Caving Andalucía Caving Córdoba

Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Caving

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings


Sierra Morena Active Via Ferrata

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 40€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Via Ferrata

For the most adventurous and daring, the via ferrata is always an option to take into account. Its combination of hiking sections with climbing sections leaves no one indifferent. Furthermore, it is a sport that offers great variety, since these routes are totally natural, they are marked by the landscape itself, and no two are the same.

They offer a wide variety of difficulties and itineraries, suitable for all audiences.

Climbing lovers are crazy about this discipline, since it is often on these types of routes where the greatest climbing challenges can be found. The Andalusian mountains are brave and wild, and they present us with numerous challenges to overcome.

Dare to try this peculiar activity: the mountain itself will show you the way. The via ferratas are marked with a steel cable that follows the entire route. Your physical conditions or your experience in this sport do not matter, since there are options for all audiences.

The main thing is that you enjoy, that you forget about everything, that you connect with nature in its purest state. That is the true purpose of adventure sports, and we want you to live it with us.

Via Ferrata Andalucía Via Ferrata Córdoba

Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Via Ferrata

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
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Sierra Morena Active Canyoning

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 14€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Canyoning

At Sierra Morena Active we are not wrong if we tell you that we are the only specialists in the canyons between the Guadalquivir Valley and the areas of Córdoba and Jaén covered by Sierra Morena. This is confirmed by the fact that we ourselves have been in charge of equipping several ravines in the past 12 months.

Doing our work in an initiation section, classified as semi-dry, and another of an advanced level, totally aquatic, we now propose that you try them, helping you with the facilities that we offer:

- Transfers to the point where we begin the corresponding section of the canyon. You won't have to deal with maps that you can't find your way around or find the right access because we'll take care of that.

- Professional guide for your group throughout the activity in which we do not exceed 8 people per descent in order to remain attentive to each one of you and thus help you overcome each obstacle.

Our prices are affordable so you don't have to deny yourself a pleasure like this. Furthermore, the equipment of the ravines makes it possible at the same time that those who have some preparation for it can follow them for free.

Canyoning Andalucía Canyoning Córdoba Canyoning Villa Del Rio

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings


Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Canyoning

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Sierra Morena Active Hen and Stag Dos

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 180€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Hen and Stag Dos

At Sierra Morena Active we are preparing a bachelor party for you to share great moments focusing on your friends thanks to the change of scenery that the natural environment that surrounds the province of Córdoba allows us.

You will experience a weekend in which the house in which you will stay will be available exclusively for you. In addition, everything is planned with full board included for the entire stay. We will also reserve time for you to spend in a relaxing spa that will provide you with some of the best moments of the celebration.

There are multiple ways in which you can spend these days with us sailing in canoes, following a zip line circuit, sharing an exciting canyoning or playing multi-adventure games. Some of the ones we like the most are:

- Kayak routes: because they allow you to chat and go out in a group all together doing something that is not present in your daily life. You choose the level of intensity, limiting yourself to a relaxing walk or challenging yourself to be the fastest to complete the itinerary.

We can move to the town of Andújar, already in the province of Jaén, to make the Baético descent along the Guadalquivir river. In addition to the material and the attention of the monitor, we will include a picnic.

- Canyoneering: we present it to you as a comprehensive activity due to the completeness of this canyon located in Sierra Morena. You will be able to try all the obstacles that are concentrated in water descents, from jumps to rappelling sections.

The great final touch is the gift that we will give you before you return home with the best taste in your mouth.

Hen and Stag Dos Córdoba

Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Hen and Stag Dos

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8 years Advertised on Yumping
24 Hours response rate


Sierra Morena Active Kayaking

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 13€
Verified Bookings
1 Sierra Morena Active Kayaks has been booked 1 times through Yumping since joining in Septiembre of 2023
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Kayaking

At Sierra Morena Active we want you to relax with our fleet of kayaks rowing through the natural landscapes of the province of Córdoba and its surroundings. Throughout the year we schedule outings with which to surprise you with a new scenario each time. These are some of them:

- Kayaking excursion in the Yeguas: it is an adventure that we do under the direction of 2 monitors who are in charge of taking care of the group. We like to take advantage of the first half of the day for this, setting the meeting time at 9 a.m. and the return time at 2 p.m. We offer you a picnic during the break that we call “bandolero” paying tribute to the past of this area of Sierra Morena.

- Bellowing from the kayak in the Yeguas reservoir: we try to give another perspective to an activity that is normally done as hiking. We get on the boats during the fall to get closer to the Piruetanal and take refuge in the vegetation to listen to the sounds of the males announcing their heat.

- Kayak route along the Guadalquivir: for which we go to Andújar, already in the province of Jaén, in 2-hour shifts from the Roman Bridge.

Stay tuned for our programming or contact us and we will tell you what the next plans we will make in kayak are.

Kayaking Andalucía Kayaking Córdoba Kayaking Villa Del Rio

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Useful information

8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings


Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Kayaking

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1-100 People
Latest booking: 13 - August
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1-10 People
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Sierra Morena Active Canoeing

Calle Alta, 36 14640 Villa Del RioCórdoba
Lowest price
from 15€
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Description of Sierra Morena Active Canoeing

At Sierra Morena Active we intend to show you the great natural value of the southern peninsula. Although the base of our activities is located in Villa del Río, we do not limit ourselves to staying in the province of Córdoba, also moving to other neighboring provinces.

Instead of having fixed proposals, we try to energize each visit with a different approach depending on the date of the year. This is how we give you ideas like the ones we have already tried with successful participation:

- Canoe ride through the Colas del Yeguas: this is an itinerary that we do sailing through the interior of the Cardeña-Montoro Natural Park. In this place species such as the black vulture and the deer hide from areas inhabited by humans. It includes a picnic in the best possible setting in Sierra Morena.

This type of departure starts at 9 and is limited to a small number of seats, which is usually 8, to guarantee an exclusive experience.

- Excursion through the mouth of the Yeguas: the end of the Guadalquivir is a point worth knowing where we will find the San Juan waterfall. It is a very extensive channel with a large amount of water that will give us fantastic moments following the precise instructions.

Canoeing Andalucía Canoeing Córdoba Canoeing Villa Del Rio

Price catalog from Sierra Morena Active Canoeing

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1-10 People
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1-8 People
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Useful information

8 years Advertised on Yumping
June 21th 2022 last update
100% Effectiveness verified bookings


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