Surfer Paradise is apaddle surf and other sports school located in Tarifa, the southernmost city in Europe and the paradise of water sports related to surfing. With paddle surfing you can surf on a larger than normal surfboard and a paddle with which to move forward and avoid the waves.
The conditions that Tarifa has for surfing are ideal. We are in the Spanish and possibly European capital of paddlesurfing.
We introduce you to paddle surfing in very safe conditions with no waves and later you will face bigger and stronger waves.
If the weather conditions are not favorable, we will move to other points, such as Zahara de los Atunes, Caños de Meca or El Palmar.
We offer 2-hour classes to get started in the world of surfing or simply practice it.
We also offer rental of boards and wetsuits so you can practice this sport at your leisure.